A one-week workshop to discover or improve in natural agriculture and construction.

“Natural farming”, our choice for the future, naturally adapted to our living environment …
Natural farming in Asia is a modern natural agricultural practice that combines the sustainability of ancient Asian cultivation techniques with Western scientific production methods to bring about phenomenal growth adapted to all climates of the world.
It comes to us from Korea and is studied all over the world with the aim of perfecting the collaboration between “cultivators and cultivators” for a harmonious balance and respect for all living beings.
It is a partnership between soils and their bios and a set of formulas for improving plant growth through biostimulants.
Practitioners build robust microbial communities resulting in fertile soils, more nutrients available to plants, and scientifically enhance natural processes to help nature by adjusting and adapting practices as needed.
What is a natural construction
Natural construction uses low-toxic, untreated materials and systems, used appropriately for the climate, site and intended use. It primarily incorporates natural materials rather than commercial ones, with an emphasis on obtaining these natural materials from as local a source as possible, ideally from the construction site itself.
A life-size learning workshop to better assimilate all the techniques and stages of natural construction. Whether it is ponds, decorative walls for the garden or bungalows, you will have the opportunity to work on concrete projects and to perfect your already acquired techniques.
It’s a workshop, not a training course with a diploma…
The Permaculture Internship, for example, is a qualified trainer who teaches you the techniques according to a specific program and gives a certificate at the end of the internship with subjects imposed by the founders of permaculture.
Regarding the workshop, it is my wife and I who will animate and supervise the activities which will be flexible according to the request of our customers. No diploma will be awarded to you at the end of your stay.
The program for these 5 days ...
Natural building
Day 1:
8.30 am: breakfast
9.00 am: preparation of the earth / straw / clay mixture for making the adobe bricks and molding the bricks.
12.00 – 2.00 pm: lunch and rest.
2.00 pm – 5.00 pm: fabrication of adobe bricks and masonry.
7.00 – 8.00 pm: cooking and evening meal with products from our farm.
Day 2:
8.30 am: breakfast
9:30 am: preparation of the mixture for the first plaster to be applied on the walls (primary plaster) and application of the last.
12.00 – 2.00 pm: lunch and rest.
2.00 pm – 5.00 pm: application and training of the primary coating.
7.00 – 8.00 pm: cooking and evening meal with products from our farm.
Day 3:
8.30 am: breakfast
9:30 am: preparation of the finishing plaster based on clay and lime and color test.
12.00 – 2.00 pm: lunch and rest.
2.00 pm – 5.00 pm: application of the finishing plaster and technique for the application
7.00 – 8.00 pm: cooking and meal with products from our farm.
Natural farming
About the soil: Understanding how it works, knowing that of your garden, making it productive and healthy
The plant: its biology and interactions with its environment
Plant health: mechanisms of action and natural care
Save water in the garden
Maintain fertility in a natural way
Day 4:
8.30 am: breakfast
9:00 am – 12 am: introduction to natural farming, fruit tree cuttings and grafting, course on hermaphroditic flowers.
12.00 – 2.00 pm: lunch and rest.
2.00 pm – 5.00 pm: composting, making compost tea and a homemade surprise.
7.00 – 8.00 pm: cooking and evening meal with products from our farm.
Day 5:
8.30 am: breakfast
9:00 – 12 am: seedling preparation and application, natural preparation of food for animals, association and rotation of plants in the garden
12.00 – 2.00 pm: lunch and rest.
2.00 pm – 5.00 pm: workshop closing ceremony and we will decide together what you still want to learn or even relearn to perfect your knowledge.
7.00 – 8.00 pm: cooking and evening meal with products from our farm.
The prices for this workship
Before talking to you about prices, it is important to specify that these include the permaculture course but also accommodation as well as morning, noon and evening meals.
The price of the week (Monday to Friday), course, accommodation and meals:
9,000 THB per person in dormitory
10,000 THB per person in a private bungalow
15,000 THB for two people in a private bungalow
If there are more of you or if you want to combine this permaculture course with other activities, a natural construction course or woofing, contact me directly by email. Quick response guaranteed.
Our workshop in pictures ...

Protection of biodiversity
One of the essential first steps for organic farming and self-sufficiency is to produce healthy and reproducible seeds!
Seeds are essential for humanity as they are the first step in the production of food. When they have been improved thanks to the intervention of the peasants, taking into account the particular local conditions, these seeds represent the cultural value of the traditions, knowledge and know-how on the use of biodiversity.

For our part, we of course work mainly with fertile organic seeds, thanks among other things to the partnership set up with the Kokopelli association… We produce winged peas seedsOur winged pea seeds for the Seeds Without Borders campaign, in return we receive vegetable seeds every year, we make a “fair trade”
What we also appreciate is receiving seeds from our visitors in order to increase the biodiversity of the farm. We appreciate it when our hosts bring seeds from their home country or from a country they have visited.
Sharing can also be done through what you bring… It’s a pleasure for us to have trees, flowers, vegetables from all over the world!
This exchange is of course a plus, and in no way an obligation.
The Suwan Organic Farm is pleased to announce that we can now offer yoga sessions and initiation all year round and on the days of your choice. It’s always a good time to think about yourself 😊🧘