Often overlooked by tour operators, Isan has some of the most surprising and authentic destinations in Thailand... And this is where we offer you an unforgettable experience!

Going on a farm vacation in Isan does not cross the minds of many travelers. They rather dream of the City of Angels or the historic city of Ayutthaya. However, the destinations of Isan have something to dream about, if you like to return to your roots and shake up the codes of civilization. Tourist infrastructure is far from complying with European standards. No public transport serving small towns. The crossing of Isan is all the more exciting. Tourism in Isan emphasizes nature, the beauty of the rice fields, artisanal know-how, culinary flavors, Buddhist architecture, without forgetting of course the remains of prehistoric civilizations…
Northeast Thailand is the most rural and poorest region of Thailand, many say it is the most authentic. Not very touristy, it nevertheless has many assets to seduce the traveler: national parks and extraordinary natural sites, magnificent Khmer temples, superb countryside landscapes, some astonishing temples… It is also the region that we cross to reach by land Cambodia, to the east, or Laos, to the north…
Over the kilometers, we let our senses tame the place: Isan smells of nature, flowers and incense, far from the pollution and sometimes nauseating odors of Bangkok. The Thais in Isan are very curious and very friendly. Often, they stop us: simply to say hello and try to exchange a few words and other times to offer us flowers, fruit, vegetables that they have just harvested… We try to talk to each other, but we don’t understand each other… However, something is happening…
And it is in Isan that our farm inn is located...

The “Suwan Organic Farmstay” is a little more than three hectares of nature. Comfortable structures to welcome you to our organic vegetable gardens bordering fish-rich water bodies, rice fields and our agroforestry areas. At your convenience, comfortable stylish bungalows or our new space currently being developed with natural constructions.
Our main goal is to live in food autonomy or as close as possible, share our experiences, and communicate our passion for everything related to organic agriculture, edible forests and eco-construction.
The Suwan Organic Farmstay is in a way a farm inn, a place of exchange, of learning, an opportunity to immerse oneself in the Siamese rural world, to touch the realities, the benefits of an operation respectful of natural and environmental cycles. An opportunity to discover another centuries-old culture rich in lessons…
Our mission: It is to make the link between the Earth and our plate. In other words, allowing participants to experience a real and concrete moment on a farm. A real family business that produces food to feed many families, all with pleasure and discovery…

Fill your eyes, nose, taste buds and head with extraordinary and precious moments!
At Suwan Organic Farmstay we constantly repeat that everything is connected and everything is important. It is a way of becoming aware of each element necessary for the functioning of the nature around us. This also allows us to consider everything that makes our plates full, three times a day and all year round…

As every day is different on the farm, everything around us becomes a subject of curiosity and a pretext for discovery in our everyday activities and activities. This is what makes the richness of the experiences we offer… And the seeds sown with us grow into the hearts of our visitors!

And here are the 10 essential reasons to come and spend a vacation on our farm and in Isan...
1. Get started with local consumption
“Locavorism” is the trend of consuming locally produced food. If in big cities, this mode of consumption is difficult to respect, farm holidays allow you to eat exclusively fruits and vegetables, meat and cheeses produced nearby.

2. Discoveries for children
In cities, it is difficult for children to understand how to grow vegetables, where the rice comes from to make delicious rice pudding… Where does honey come from? And yes ! Vegetables don’t grow in supermarkets… During a farm holiday, they will be able to learn a host of things and flourish in contact with healthy and generous nature!

3. Take advantage of the advice and discover the real life of the locals
When you set out to discover new regions, new countries, it’s impossible to escape some unpleasant surprises: disappointing visits, tourist restaurants, overcrowded and dirty beaches, prices that inflate just for you, expensive hotels and little contact with the real local life… By choosing a farm holiday, you can ask for advice from your hosts who will be able to give you the right addresses and tell you which are the unmissable discoveries of the region, and above all enjoy simple and spontaneous relationships without feel like a walking wallet…

4. A cheap vacation, but a quality stay
Even if there is a wide variety of accommodation, when we talk about farm holidays, these stays remain generally less expensive than in residences, hotels or apartments by the sea or in tourist resorts. On our farm for example…
Did you know that during your stay with us you can benefit from an introduction to permaculture or natural construction, at no extra cost! These free activities are accessible in the morning and are of course completely optional.
– Another essential point, which we must confirm each time, because the customers of our farm inn do not believe it: in short, I confirm, the three meals of the day are included in the price of our rentals and everything that you will eat is produced here without pesticides or other harmful products!

5. Different and informative stays
The best memories are often those that are out of the ordinary. Treating yourself to a holiday on a farm means getting off the beaten track and offering your family something other than the stays written in advance. And what’s more, we promise you that after a stay in our farm inn, you will come back transformed and filled with invaluable knowledge for your well-being and that of your loved ones!

6. A stay on a farm is also a way to reconnect with nature
Often overwhelmed by the frenzy of big cities and immersed in a daily life that leaves no room for contemplation, you move away from the benefits provided by large green spaces. You dive there from time to time, with adults or with your children, allowing you to savor the unwavering connection to the nature that surrounds you… Bare feet and hands in the earth…

7. Active introduction to farm life for an exotic and relaxing experience
The agricultural environment is indeed calming. However, this does not mean that your vacation in the countryside will rhyme with “fan toes”. This stay on our farm will prove to be both relaxing and active. Discovering new tasks will allow you to exert yourself, take your mind off things and unwind, all while exercising. What better ???
8. Leave your environment sanitized, odorless, colorless... Smell and touch...
There is a theory that a reduction in exposure to infections and natural microbial components in industrialized countries would lead to a decrease in the maturation of the immune system… As a result, an increase in the prevalence of allergic, autoimmune diseases , inflammatory or certain cancers. This theory also explains that the sanitized lifestyle would be the factor explaining the increase in autoimmune diseases, our body no longer recognizing good and bad bacteria…
We can say like Bergeron: “As for the relationship with nature, the new spirituality will have to overcome the age-old distinction between man and nature, a distinction which has made the mistake of freeing man from terrors and magical fears, but which is causing the ruin of humanity and an ecological disaster. The time has come to heal the wounds of man cut off from the universe and to calm the groans of nature exploited by man; and this can only be achieved thanks to the great reconciliation of humans and the earth, its odors, its bacteria, its fauna, its flora and its natural waste which are the substrate for the rebirth of life…

9. Make new friends who share the same passion for nature
A stay in our farm inn is also and above all about encounters, paths that cross. People from all backgrounds with common aspirations and similar dreams despite different life paths. Space for conviviality and sharing where friendships are born.
10. Discover and participate in farm activities without constraints, in good humor and general enthusiasm
Some examples :
Natural construction (manufacturing of adobe bricks, construction of walls, coating and natural painting, etc.)
Permaculture (cuttings, sowing, pruning, learning how to compost, soap, shampoo, organic pesticides, etc…
Based on the precise observation of the functioning of ecosystems (particularly in terms of productivity and efficiency), permaculture derives non-fixed design methods, adaptable according to the areas of application. However, the result is a method with universal principles, developed under the term “permacultural design”.
Permacultural design (the word design here brings together the notions of project and production process) is established based on three founding ethical requirements:
Preservation of the environment and biodiversity:
desire to build a community aimed at individual and collective well-being;
sharing of resources and equitable redistribution of surpluses (for the benefit of the environment and humans).
The method itself is based on essentials:
global understanding of issues and systems;
analysis of the connection modes between the elements of a system;
application, to deficient systems, of solutions drawn from operational and proven systems;
analysis of natural ecosystems to correct errors in the implementation of human activity and planning for optimal integration;
inclusion of lay people (not initiated into permaculture) in the process.
Introduction to agroforestry.Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or between crops or pastures. Trees produce a wide range of useful and marketable products from fruits/nuts, medicines, wood products, etc.
Aun and I each have our favorite areas to better share our passions with you…
Aun takes care of the farm, the vegetable garden, the edible forest, rice, fish farming, fishing trips and occasionally cooking classes…
For me, it’s eco-construction: manufacturing earth bricks, masonry, decorations, clay plaster, lime plaster, etc…

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