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Woofing Thailand

woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire

Woofing: Our farmstay in a few words

The “Suwan Organic Farmstay” is above all a place that adapts to your needs, your desires and your pace. It is a farmstay, which allows you to fully immerse yourself in Siamese culture.

It is also a place open to woofing offering discovery workshops such as composting, sowing, pruning, natural construction, natural fertilizers, …

If one theme appeals to you more than another, there is also the possibility of doing advanced workshops.

And then, if you have a project similar to ours, if you are attracted to everything related to permaculture and self-sufficiency, then don’t miss the different internships that we offer during the year.
These are led by recognized professionals and are carried out on our farm.

Apart from the courses where we can call on external speakers, all activities are supervised by Manu and Aun, owners of the Suwan Organic Farmstay, in French, English or Thai as required.

woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire
woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire
woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire

Woofing in Thailand at Suwan Organic Farmstay

Woofing in Thailand is the opportunity to dive into the heart of Siamese rurality. Woofing is an opportunity to experience immersion, to stop being a passive spectator. Woofing in Thailand is about touching the reality of life in tropical latitudes.
Some will speak of eco-tourism, agro-tourism or tourism on the farm but I believe that the term woofing is much closer to what we offer in terms of hospitality, friendliness, comfort, adaptability, diversity, freedom, sharing and experiences.

Let me tell you about our woofing in Thailand because it is a bit different from what you might find elsewhere, our desire being to adapt this concept to our values ​​and the rules of this country.
The concept is simple, an attractive price that includes comfortable accommodation, quality meals and access to a host of activities as you wish. Nothing obligatory here, you participate in the life of our organic farm and in the various workshops according to your abilities, your desires, your interests.

The workshops are numerous and can of course vary according to the seasons, respecting the rhythms of nature. Some examples of workshops:

  • Natural construction workshop (manufacture of adobe bricks, construction of walls, plaster and natural paint, etc.)
  • Permaculture workshop (cutting, sowing, pruning, learning to compost, soap, shampoo, organic pesticides, etc.)
  • Kitchen workshop
  • Loom workshop
  • Vegetable garden in the village school
  • Introduction to agroforestry

Important, access to the various workshops is optional. These workshops take place from 07:00 to 12:00.

Woofing in Thailand, and more particularly in our farmhouse, is also and above all about encounters, crossing paths. People from all walks of life with common aspirations and similar dreams despite different life paths. Space for conviviality and sharing where friendships are born.

Woofing in Thailand is the opportunity to dive into another way of life, to touch another way of living and to think about the future.

woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire
woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire

Questions and answers on woofing in Thailand

What is woofing?
Okay, I’m not going to give you a lesson here, just some brief information for those who aren’t familiar with this relatively new concept which has taken off with the advent of organic cultivation and other organic productions.

The term “woofing”, which some also write as Wwoofing, is an English term which means: “World Wide Opportunities On Organic Farms”.

So the concept is simple: allow those who wish to immerse themselves, for a few days or a few weeks, in the rural life of the country they are visiting, the land of smiles in this case as regards Suwan Organic Farmstay. .

The advantages of woofing are undeniable: immersion in tropical Siamese latitudes at a lower cost, most of the time with room and board. The opportunity to learn specific permaculture techniques, to participate in daily rural activities, to discover a secular culture rich in lessons, to evolve in a friendly and constructive atmosphere, to meet people who have the same passions, the same dreams.

Which visa to practice wwoofing in Thailand?
It is true that we read everything and its opposite regarding visa legislation (or visa waivers) in Thailand, even more so regarding wwoofing in Thailand.

So to be clear, any activity, even voluntary, is linked to the obligation of a work permit and a suitable visa. I challenge those who claim that woofing in Thailand is an exception to bring me the law or regulation that says so.

In short, woofing in Thailand in the form of volunteering or volunteering is illegal without the work permit and its specific visa. On the other hand, woofing in the land of smiles as a tourist activity, no problem. It is in this form that we offer this activity of immersion in the Siamese rural culture.

So the answer to the visa question is simple, all you need is a tourist visa, visa waiver or its extension to take full advantage of the framework and services that Suwan Organic farmstay offers you.

How long can you practice woofing in Thailand?
As long as your visas or visa exemptions last. It therefore ranges from a few days to several months.

It is true that being able to practice wwoofing for a long period of time may be of interest to nomads, globetrotters, expatriate candidates, … In this case, you just have to make sure you comply with Siamese legislation. A simple rule to remember, you cannot stay more than six months in Thailand without a visa. So, coupled with tourist visas, it is possible to stay 8 months or more.
However, if your life project is to stay in the land of smiles for a long time, then it may be necessary to find more viable alternatives for the future.

Can we do woofing with the family and more precisely with children?
Not only can you do woofing as a family, I would say it’s even recommended.

There is no minimum age for children, Suwan Organic Farmstay is a friendly place suitable for all ages, all skills. Our farm quickly becomes a place of discovery and games for children, an enchanting and real space made of explorations, learning, nature, a breath of freedom, a beneficial truce far from the screens and virtual worlds of our small and large screens.

I am interested in woofing at your place, what steps should I take?
Nothing too complicated, just contact us by email, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

To get an even faster and more complete response, please give us some information:
– Number of people and age
– Desired dates of stay
– If you are possibly vegetarians or vegans

woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire
woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire
woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire
woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire
woofing en Thaïlande, stage de permaculture, visa volontaire

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